This is the personal website of Murray & Jackie Hynd.

It is PRIMARILY a platform for stroke rehabilitation, as Jackie suffered a massive brain haemorrhage in 1995. Segesta-Italy-stroke-relearn-life.jpg

Her journey is documented here in terms of blogs, videos and milestones, as a testimony of her courage and persistence to claw back functionality that was essentially taken from her. The intent is to share her journey with fellow stroke survivors to prove anyone that has suffered serious brain trauma can achieve a lot more than you or others may think possible. Medical practictioners can also benefit from studying the progress made by Jackie in terms of support for patients and alternative ways/mean to improve their lives. It is also extremely valuable for Educators and medical students to get a much more granular understanding of stroke survivor challenges.

We have travelled extensively around the world, and have holidayed and lived, in Spain and New Zealand.  We recommend both countries, hence we named this site “Spain-Holiday-NZ” as a reflection of that.

Viva España / Haere mai ki Aotearoa

Personal Journey and Milestones are stroke related, accessible from top navigation bar. Spanish section, NZ (& the World Beyond), and Holiday Ideas are a reflection of the people, culture, archaeology, architecture, gastronomy, history in our travels and our on-going journey…

New Video 2024

Girl with Dragon AcrylicPour PopArt: mix, and paint

How-to make Fondant Frozen Seawave Christmas Scene Cake:

Total Fondant Cake Build, Make Xmas Tree, Make Kiwibirds, Make Sea+Icebergs

2024 Chinese New Year: Make dragon Yee Sang

coco-taxis, t, downtown Havana, cuba

coco-taxis, t, downtown Havana, cuba



Murray and Jackie are living proof that a life-changing AVM brain haemorrhage and resulting massive stroke, cannot dim the human spirit.  Travelling around the world; living in Spain and New Zealand, and then turning holiday experiences into a purpose. We took the DIY approach to everything including stroke rehabilitation with why-not and can-do: the stroke rehab results are impressive.   Stroke, Paralysis, Aphasia, Re-Learning LIFE – an inspirational journey.

Life is a journey, so enjoy the ride.